Friday, July 4, 2008


One gets so much in this life, and yet he/she demands for some more. And why not?? After all we are not here to just accept whatever we get and sit idle, we got this life to CHANGE anything that we either don't like or if we want to improve the existing scenario. So, why not see a dream and try to persue that.
Dream of a country, a place where there is peace, trust, understanding between people, equality & many more qualities that may lead to a perfect place to live in. I actually know this sounds somewhat 'over expectation' and like 'bhasan-baji' from some minister for fulfilling his votebank. But ,if I tell this as a normal guy then I would support myself by saying- "If we are seeing a DREAM, then why not be it BIIIIGGG and BEAUTIFUL, why to restrict or control our mind to something LIMITED" .
If found that convincing then go ahead reading this & welcome to my dreamland whose every thoughts start at I and end at A of INDIA. A country known for its vast and varied cultures and traditions and passing through all these is strong thread of understanding,trust,co-operation and a pure and sacred feeling of being one and not distinguished on the basis of castes and religion. A country known for its green and most clean environment all over the world. Roads as one can never ever imagine,with some beautiful trees on both sides. A country whose rivers had been known traditionally and will be known to eradiacte some of the most hazardous diseases because of its purity,(more pure than aquaguard :) ). A country whose 100% population is literate or atleast aware of some of the basic aspects of living this life to its fullest and being self-sufficient and confident enough to get what will make life of his/her family better and happier and at the same time not at the cost of happiness of others. By that I mean a corruption free , non-violent and no-entry to any such hard feelings that leads a person to choose a path of crime and terrorism. A peaceful country and a country whose people have some selfless feeling.
Yaaa ,most importantly a technically sound country with some most tallented guys in the world (which I think we already have) serving for betterment of there own country. Every person living a meaningful life, by that I mean self-satisfied with all the things he got and aiming for something higher. A place where girls are also treated in the same manner as boys (which I seriously think we havn't achieved yet). One big change that can give a push to my last thought is the change of mentality of people ,not just parents but also the bad elements of society which lead parents to be very possessive about there children. That is something about mentality which I think is actually immpossible to change for the whole population, so there is an other way out to this problem. Why girls should depend on others for their protection ??? I don't think that there is anything less in girls that they cannot fight for something that's RIGHT. They should themselves know some of skills to protect themselves in adverse situation (are movies nahi dekhti kya). I seriously believe that if someone's striving( fighting in this case) for something thats RIGHT then god is there with you ,just have faith and Go Ahead....
And one thing that my dreamland would be is that it will be fully planned (and gavar logon types not throwing khachra here and there) .Strict laws and some serious and lesson giving punishment to the defaulters. Buildings as modern as it could be ,exteriors made of glasses ,many stories & so (after all its a big dream).Cars and other vehicles used would be fuel efficient and non-polluting. Industries fully equipped with modern technology,specially proper arrangement for dumping their wastes .Trees and greenary all around, pure and melodious air flowing through them. Peaceful and Joyful life of each and every person (the persons whom we today call poor people would be standing at a place beside us,in other words persistence of EQUALITY).Every person should get to know the real motive behind getting this beautiful life and try genuinely to persue it.
Finally ,I do realize that this is just a dream ,but if a person doesn't sees a dream then what will he persue in life. If someone had not seen a dream to make car,airplane ...etc-etc, how would have we got some of the things without which one cannot imagine life in todays world. Moreover , I surely think I have missed many other things,and would like to request anyone who had courage to tolerate this blog & read it to share anything else that u think I missed out.


Buzz said...

Dreams are a mirage of what's coming ahead. In today's India, this love for the country has become dormant. I am really very glad that there are people like you for whom this country means a lot.

Very well thought of article. Among some points that you missed out, just one comes bubbling out in my mind : Caste System, this dilapidation of society on the basis of caste is paralyzing the very roots of this country.

Kalam Saheb's poem echo your writings :

"Low dream is a crime
Dream Big
Dream, dream dream
for dreams transform into actions
actions into destiny"

Well organized writing.sktjl

Buzz said...

The warning you wrote at the top of the article should be edited to "Only India-lovers allowed to read this article." Only those people will find it boring who are indifferent fot the country.

Swami Vivekanand once said, "If you really love your country, you will lose your sleep for it."