Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Dream , hope and belief

Tonight smiling stars and the shining moon made way for a morning with sun so bright , air so fresh , breeze so soothing and an atmosphere so peaceful. Lovely birds on the trees sang out their hearts to welcome a day when every grudge is dissolved and hatred vanished , a day when not only face but hearts of people also smile , when everyone is free to climb to their own heights , fly with the wings of their talents into the never ending sky to look for a place their own . Love in their hearts and brightness in their eyes . A place where everyone is equal , every child gets proper education and free to enjoy their life according to their wish without unnecessary burden. A place where there is no violence and only peace , love , trust and firm desire to move ahead even strongly , as one , for a future even brighter and positive . This night brings an unknown optimistic feeling in my heart that soon –
The day will come and then everything will be fine .

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Is there nothing that we can do ???

Yes we can . There is more much more to what can we do than to blame our politicians , intelligence or coast guard etc etc . which would result in a non-acts , can we just afford to light a candle for those who die and sit in our homes expecting and praying the same doesn’t happen to our own family ?
Everytime 10 or 15 people come and challenge our strength and everytime there is the same result , we loose and loose badly . Its a fact that they come to die so being much happy on the fact that we killed this many terrorists means actually nothing , but for killing them we lost some of the best soldiers of our country , some prominent business personalities and many common people which represent our country as a whole . If someone is to be blamed for this is us as we are not capable enough to protect our own people . I know this may sound irrelevant , because some people may say that we pay taxes so its government which should take care of this , some may say that we don’t have any weapon to fight with the modern weapons possessed by them , so how ??
We can , definitely we can , based on the fact that if we devote sometime on ourselves rather than just wasting time on finding faults in others . Why can’t we join this fight for our family , our COUNTRY ? If a person has time to find fault in politicians who are selected by us only , why can’t he/she himself join politics , a term after listening to which most of our faces become as if asked to clean a drain , but why doesn’t a person realize that someone or the other has to put his hands into drain to clean it .
We never ever think twice before blaming our police forces for blaming them for any small case , but do we think what kind of life they live just for protecting us . We can do a lot , first of all we can make ourselves fit enough and ready to face any such situation , why it is always we who have to look down . Not any more , if they attack us we don’t need to wait for any force to come and protect us , if we are in trouble we can ourselves be a soldier to fight them . It is a famous line that ‘nothing is too big or difficult for a willing heart’ . We just need to look for small opportunities and then bang on !!! And if a person knows that a he/she is going to be killed why not give life a chance and fight for it , why not defeat death in the face of terrorists .
As for the matter of terrorists , their mind has been completely corrupted by those evil minded people who preach them these in the name of religion . They have to be killed by not at the cost of any innocent human life . We can do that but just stop blaming others and taking this responsibility ourselves , we are also the same children our same nation then why can’t we ourselves come forward as its SAVIOUR . You never know about this life , some people may see this as an opportunity to serve their country while others may just even heat up their blood abusing every other person for their situation . Why not channelize our anger which may result in something positive for our nation.
And for terrorists I think if they used their strength , courage , money and guts for some positive things this world would have become a better and peaceful place .

A sincere thank to all those who gave up their life for others

We all live peaceful life and wish to do so and why not ? Its a fact that everyone likes to spend some quality time with his/ her family and also want that they should remain safe and secure. We hardly think about anybody else and just think that we are fine then everything’s okay . And police , I just don’t think that we would have ever thought of them as positive creatures before these recent attacks in which they came out as saviours for hundreds of life even if it cost them their own life . LIFE – its such a big thing , this small four letter word is the essence of world, of all relationships .
A person may wonder how can a person give his life for others ?? HOW and WHY .... A person while fighting doesn’t even think for once for his own family , what would happen of them after him ? Got to hear many such incidences , a policeman who while leading his team was hit by 3 bullets and then he died , thought arises that in between that 1 shot and other 2 , even for once he might have realized that he still had to go on maybe that these were some of his last moments and he couldn’t do anything more for his son in this life . He won’t be able to even see him for once , everything would be over soon for him , BUT then also he went ahead for hunting those bastards for whom emotions and relations mean nothing , he went .
One other police constable who didn’t have weapon to fight against those terrorists went and stood infront of the terrorists gun and took all bullets to his chest . He might have realized that he may not live anymore so he made sure that nobody else died and just because of him that terrorist was caught . How can a person gain that much selflessness so that nothing seems important for him than his DUTY and work ? Those army personnel and those commandos who didn’t think of their old parents who had nobody else to take care of after him , just go in and give their best and not allow their personal life enter in between them and their work . Maybe this why they are so GREAT . They do SO much for us.
My this article goes out to thank all those who have been fighting for their country , those who died and who are yet fighting so that others may live peacefully , and this is not only related to these attacks but also for our army , navy , air force, police and all other organisations meant for defence , who have been saving our country from all kind of attacks . I just hope that our sympathy could do anything better for those families who have lost their dear ones , but its a fact that we all just remember them just for few days and rest all , they have to bear .

Why is life of innocent person a victim always

Once , just once we get a life in which slowly and gradually we develop relationships that become so close to us that one just fears even to think of a life without them . And then suddenly one day you get a news that the person who was closest to you has been trapped in a place and captured as a hostage by TERRORISTS . Life which was going as smoothly and peacefully as it could be, suddenly comes to a halt . This is the news which some people get while others get a news that their dear and loved ones are no more . And why ???

Just because some people think that they can take revenge or prove their mettle that they can do anything and everything on their own wish . WISH ... to kill innocent people , kids who have not yet even realized what is the reason for which they are being killed . This four letter word – ‘ LIFE’ has only this much meaning for these people , a beautiful gift from god , who never gave licence to kill people in his name and impress him .

And it doesn’t ends here , its just the beginning . The next few hours or maybe days go as everything in this world has went against them , waiting for their dear ones and trying hard to not let any pessimistic thought creep inside their mind and a positive hope inside their heart that somehow and anyhow the person, without whom this life would be nothing comes out safe . What after that ?? Some people come out of the death’s mouth after getting almost swallowed and thank god for everything was over . And at the same time , there are some others who get to know that the person is ‘no more’. It was just a few hours before that everything was fine and now .... and for what ?? What was the fault of a father whose children were waiting at home , a husband whose newly wedded wife had not even spent some quality time with him , a son whose parents never in their wildest dreams had ever thought that their son who was just living a life to fulfill their dreams has been slaughtered and a mother whose children have not even relished the motherly love . What had a staff member who was working hard to earn some money for his poor family members so that what he himself suffered in life his children may not suffer and study hard to be guests in the hotel in which he was working – a dream of a poor person which ended in no time and for no reason . They went and what was left had to be suffered by their relatives , a life in which there was no person of such name anymore , a life in which they had to start all over again to bring life back to track which in no way is going to be an easy task and many more problems which would come their way . This happens everytime there is a terrorist attack , everytime many children get orphaned , many parents loose their only support and reason to live and many more bad memories which I being a normal person cannot ever think of . Just one question arises ---

‘ What if all this wouldn’t have happened ? ‘

Saturday, September 20, 2008

LIFE in terror

PEACE, a word that can definitely not be linked with the world today. This life, a precious gift of god is no more precious, it has just become an unprdictable show, whose curtains can come down anytime without even a single warning so that one could spend some more time with his/her family, his/her near and dear ones whom he/she might not be able to meet anymore, and what about them ???

Someone's father, son, husband, brother, daughter,all these relationships come to an end just in an instant. What about the people who are left behind, for them its like whole world's grief and burden fell upon them in no time. The only thing that remains with them is some beautiful memories of the time they spent together. And if he/she was the only earning member of the family then ??? It is a fact that death comes to a person without any prenotice but then when it can be avoided, then why not ?

All these has become so usual in todays life, bomb blasts here- bomb blast there, terrorists attack military camp, cross-border firing, terrorists make 7 people hostages etc-etc. When a person listens to these, one obvious questions arise is why innocent people, why violence, why killings and murders,why ?? And to these terrorists have a GREAT answer - "we do this because we are being exploited in this country, we are not thought as equal, we don't get opportunities in this country so we resort to violence " and all such crap. I mean what kind of explaination is that,,, you think that you don't get opportunities but because you want to think that way, every deserving person in this country has always got a platform to prove his/her abilities, see for example APJ KALAM, every other actor in bollywood is a muslim, in each and every good college you would find many people of your caste, studying and performing extraordinary, just ask them if they are being exploited in any way?? Have they being distinguished from any other student in that college, has he/she ever been stop to do a project for which he is a deserving candidate just because of his religion? APJ KALAM is the one of the most respected person of our country, had he ever thought of not getting enough opportunities he would never had been at a place where he is right now. He certainly knew about his abilities and had faith on himself (just this was his wealth) and here he is one of the great scientist INDIA has ever produced.

How will you people justify the mass killings of people ruthlessly ? What about that ALLAH under whose name you conduct these activities and be proud of ? I certainly don't know what is written in QURAN and all the holy books that you refer but I am sure they must have given you right to kill people and take the life, which is also a holy gift from god, of a person. Can't you bother to see how much pain will a mother, sister, or wife or children would suffer because of these acts. And I have read in one of the mails of terrorists which goes like this-"In the name of Allah, Indian mujahiddin, strikes once again, do whatever you can, stop us if you can !!!". You COWARD people ,firstly you are killing innocent women, chuldren, men from behind curtain by
hiding the bombs at some public place, making hostages of people who are without weapons and under their shelters try to escape, think yourself to be BRAVE ??? How foolish is that, and you tell us to stop you if we can -- mind you if you have any courage put your point forward infront of media, and if you have confidence on your so called bravery (my foot) confront with any INDIAN face to face ( whether he may be a policeman, army personnel, or maybe a normal citizen, you will come to realize where you are and what is that person who is fighting for the
thing thats RIGHT. I am sure any of you ......... will not be able to face even a normal person, what to say about trained officers, they will smash you down in no time.

My point is not to support voilence of any kind, but the thing is just try an place yourself in that position and feel what would happen to your family after you died in any such blasts. See this world has enough to satisfy the need of a person and even more than that. The only thing is its you who can make this happen, you have chosen the path of voilence but that is actually not right. If you or your community has any problem then you take responsibilty to change it and be sure that everyone will support you if its for some genuine reason. See one becomes what one thinks of, some people think that they are ignored and are avoided by everybody else and
so does happens. See to your own state, what is that you are lacking maybe then you try to change yourself, see that this whole world changes for you. There maybe time when something really went wrong from our side, I mean something like that BAABRI MASJID case but then there maybe some other compulsions of government and it is definitely possible to find a proper solution to these kind of problems. At last, just one thing 'Life is too short to hold grudges,
forgive and forget, live and let live.'

Saturday, September 13, 2008

LIFE from other Point of View

These summer holidays were a great fun for me.Enjoyed them to their fullest with family,relatives and friends.As it is said that once you made a great start, then automatically there is an happy ending (don't whether this is the right proverb or not :P ). To start with i had went to my each and every relative and spent some quality time with them, and then home sweet home ,spent almost full of vacations at home when suddenly my dad came up with a plan of going to 'HEMKUNT SAHIB - a beautiful gurudwara in between the lap of seven hills' at the time when just 15 days of my vacations were left. Though initially i was not at all happy with this plan of going anywhere because i was having a great time at home, but my dad in his great style of convincing people gave me a good enough reason to me to change my mind. He told that we haven't been for vacations for quite some time now because of my 12th exams and then competitive examinations and then next year also i am not going to get a long vacations to go out of station ,so when we have the time and opportunity to go we must not let this great chance to miss out. So i agreed but somewhere at the back of my mind i was not willing to go but then i would also like to mention that this trip also had a great impact on my way of thinking and to see the lives of so many people out there which i would have definitely not realized if i had been at my home for the last 15 days also.

So here begins my journey------

While the plan was being made, many of my relatives and cousins also joined us and that made our trip a memorable one.This was the second time when i was going to that place but i had been there when i was very young so had a very vague idea of everything and every place we visited although i had been there. While in the train i saw at a station a poor lady at the platform who was just sitting at the corner and talking to herself.Her dress was at a disasterous condition nad people said she was 'mad'. While looking at her situation it was quite clear that she did not have even some amount of proper meal for past few days (who knows maybe for past many days). Now this question arises that was that lady mad or the people out there present at that place were 'mad' that no one could feel her needs, pains and worse situation to take some step forward and help her. While saying so let me not forget to mention that I was also one among those MAD PEOPLE who didn't go ahead to help her. Then i moved on with my journey , nothing remarkable happened till i reached Govind Ghat ,our first stop. Here i would like to mention that to reach Hemkunt Sahib, we have to either walk or maybe hire horse or go in 'paalki- in which u just sit and 4 persons carry u uphill'. Its total distance from Govind Ghat is 19 kms but there is a stop after 13 kms and then people move on with rest of the journey next day because that day one has to go rest 6 kms uphill to gurudwara and back to the 2nd stop the same day.

I , my cousins , my dad and mom decided to walk through the whole path, while my aunts took paalki and my sis hired a horse. So we started at 8 in the morning . It was a great feeling at the start that we are 'walking' though this rough and stony terrain. But then as we moved ahead we saw some really old uncles and aunts walking on that path chanting the name of god at each step they made. Seeing their such a great effort to not to surrender to the harsh situations really could have fired up anyone , and their strong determination of walking through complete path
walking was surely backed by the blessingS of god who didn't let them down. I could really see on the face of some aunts that how much they were struggling (they bent and were holding their waist with one hand while stick with the other) and they use to stop after every 5 mins to take rest and then again back with full energy and yes gods name in their mouth :). FAITH and BELIEF are so big in their actual sense i could realize that day. And mind it it was not at all an easy task , the path was actually very poorly built or had been damaged because of rains, there were big stones in the path, it was slippery and very rough kind of terrain. I being so young
compared to them got tired after every 15 mins that I could very well realize what was going through for them. And 2 of my cousins were walking 'bare foot' on that path (hats off to them) this was also the faith that drove them through whole path , even when one of my cousin who was walking bare foot was ill he didn't let us realize about his illness else we would have forced him to wear shoes or sit on a horse.

1 thing that I pointed while walking was the people who were carrying paalkis and those who were handling horses, they had to do so much hard work to earn their living because walking on that path was really not that easy and they were traversing that whole distance 'twice daily'. And to think on the other side what comes out of the life of a horse. I could
see how they were tied with some iron ring around their nose and pulled . They had not only carry their own weight but also the weight of the person sitting on their back and that too how were they maintaining their balance on such slippery path. All they get in return for this hard work is some food. And for this they have to sacrifice their freedom ,take so much pain and also have to take another pain of getting fixed that iron shoes with nails at the bottom of their legs.

Here comes POINT OF VIEW in picture. is freedom related only to human beings and not animals, don't they have got right to live their life as they want -- free , without pain and when it comes to food one can always manage food for itself. The thing is that do we ever bother to look into life of other people , animals and birds from their point of view.

What pain would that horse must be feeling while moving , what pain does a bird feels when it captured in a cage (at one side they have an endless sky to fly and wander anywhere they want and on the other a small cage in which they even cannot open up their wings) , what pain would other animals feel when they are bitten hard to entertain some people in a circus etc. We tend to cross our limits when we are in mode to enjoy making fun of other person but do we ever bother to think what he/she must be feeling at that moment. When a person falls on road most of us laugh ( many a times i have also done the same)but do we think that that person might have been hurt. One more example to end this session -- when our cricket team which is one among the best in the world looses to a weak team like bangladesh ,our so called cricket lovers try to blame and abuse our cricketers so much that if one hears such things in person one would rather commit suicide :P .Do we think when we loose the other team who is not so strong has won , this one defeat of ours gave some one( people of that country) a reason to smile, to enjoy and to be happy and encourage their players that one day they can also be one among best teams in world.

So, every thing has its 2 sides , one can either be unhappy looking at the dark side or maybe HAPPY seeing the brighter side of life and to that point of animals i myself don't see what can be done to remove this because they are really needed but then who will see their pain....................

Saturday, July 12, 2008

LIFE - in real world

We come across so many persons in our day to day life. And some of them effect our lives while some get associated with it. And being a natural tendency of human being we spend our time in judging the nature of a person. And as far is my experience, we generally tend to see the negative aspect of a person until and unless that person is dear to us or a person whom we want to come closer to. And one of the reason behind this is to show our own superiority.

I writing this myself am not accusing anybody else but this being my own behaviour and of some of the people I have come across till date.And on giving a second thought one realizes that 'abhi tak mujhme aisa hai hi kya ke main khud ko achcha kahu'.While writing this I am recalling a dialogue from movie border- ' hum hi hum hai to kya hum hai,,,tum hi tum ho to kya tum ho'. The thing that I have been unable to get is that why we don't see the positivity in other guys? Why just we don't bother to grab some of the positive things from others? When we get to know other people why we just try to ignore their strengths? Why do people think that someone is smaller in age or monterily not sound enough to show us good path? Why does ones EGO comes infront of every good thing that a person can learn from others?

This life is too short for us to make enemies, inculcate hard feelings against someone whom we dislike or just finding faults in others. Why not we use this short life to make this world beautiful and thereby making our own life great by seeing and hence trying to adopt some nice things from others may he/she be the person whom we had disliked always, but then he/she has also been created by the some lord, there must be some good in his/her life too.Why not just try to put our so called EGO ( a big useless thing )aside and try to spread love in this LIFE.

I myself have a long way to cover before I can say that I have won this battle with myself(bad side of my life). But yaa, I did want to share this because I have seen so much that.... maybe that lets start this together- an initiative towards beautiful WORLD.